PyFlux in interactive modePython editor


A programming language can be used:

  • in interactive mode, directly in the Flux window (python editor)
  • in script mode, via command files

Operation in interactive mode is presented in this paragraph. Operation in script mode is presented in § Command files .

Different zones

The Flux main window consists of several zones (graphic zone, data tree, etc.). The principal zones are presented in § Presentation of working environment .

The zones concerning the use of PyFlux in interactive mode are the zones presented in the figure below.

Zone Function
History Result of executed PyFlux commands
PyFlux Command

This area is composed by three parts:

  • Command prompt
  • Python Editor
  • Echo

« Echo » zone

This zone contains two files is available (in read only):

  • the “Flux[XX]” : all commands performed by the user during a session are recorded in this file.*
  • the “” : all commands performed by the user during the beginning of the project up to the end of the project are recorded in this file.

«Editor python » zone

With python editor, user can read , write , run totally or only some selected command of the python script.

Notes :

  • It is possible to open several py script file (one tab by file)
  • This zone allows displaying automatically the groovy file when the user use subroutine in groovy language
  • An editor python similar is available directly on the supervisor (script python context)

“Command prompt” zone

In this zone, the user can run and test a python command (or more python commands) directly, without create a new .py file. It's an operating direct mode, useful when you need to work quickly or debug your python command.


You can enter a line of PyFlux / Python command directly into the Command zone, the answer is then displayed in the History zone.

An example of use of the Command zone as calculator is presented below.

Command prompt zone History zone Echo zone

Drag and drop

User can “Drag and drop” between different windows by selecting command with the mouse. It is equivalent to a copy + paste


User can hide or display one of these three zones in the PyFlux command window by clicking on