

The materials used to define the physical properties of different regions in a Flux problem can be stored in a materials database.

Structure (definition)

In a materials database a material is defined by:

  • General data on the material
  • One or more physical properties (electrical, magnetic or thermal), themselves characterized by models represented by curves

General data

The general data for the materials are presented in the table below:

Data Contents / Remarks
Comments Limited number of characters
Family It allows to sort materials in the tree by family
Chemical composition
Manufacturer It allows to sort materials in the tree by manufacturer
Mass density (Kg/m3)
Price ($/Kg)
Lamination data In the case of soft magnetic materials, it is possible to specify if it is in the form of laminations or a solid body
In the case of laminations, the following characteristics can be entered: thickness, specific losses at 1T and 1.5T for a given frequency, fill factor
Description Text field without limitation of characters

Physical properties

The physical properties that permit the characterization of the materials are listed in the table below:

Physical properties Law of behaviour
Magnetic B(H) law
Electric J(E) law
Dielectric D(E) law
Thermal conductivity K(T) law
Heat capacity ρCp(T) law

A material can have an array of properties, independent of the physical application in which it will be used.

The « dependences » between the physical properties and the physical applications are presented in the chapter Materials: software aspects.


A detailed content on each model exists in the chapter Materials: principles and in the page Iron losses: à posteriori Bertotti model for iron losses models.

The presented models in Flux and in the materials manager are compatible.