Flux mesh import workflow


This section presents the steps to follow in Flux to import the mesh through the Nastran file.


In the following table, the steps to follow in Flux for a nominal scenario are presented:
    • Open Flux, out of the Modeler context
  1. Import the mesh:

    Project > Import > Import mesh > Import mesh from a HyperMesh/SimLab/OptiStruct (Nastran) file

    • Select the Nastran (or OptiStruct) file to import
    • Define the coordinate system and units if necessary
    • Change the Face split angle if necessary: this angle corresponds to the minimal angle of facets* separation (two facets defining an angle superior or equal to this value will be separated to two faces. For an inferior angle, the facets are merged)
    • Center or not the geometry
    • Verify or not the geometry

    That allows doing a "fast & quick" check of the geometry defaults: superimposed points, intersections between lines. To make a more complete check, launch the command:

    Geometry > Check geometry

    After the import, we recover in Flux:
    • The mesh elements
    • A "mesh object" containing the imported mesh
    • The lines, faces from the facets merge and the volumes from SimLab/HyperMesh components
    • The volume regions from the components

    * A facet corresponds to an elementary face defined by a mesh surface element

  2. It is possible to create the infinite box in Flux after mesh import (if air box has not been created in SimLab or HyperMesh):
    • Create infinite box:

      Physics > Infinite box > New

    • Complete infinite box to generate the air volume and the associated mesh:

      Physics > Infinite box > Complete infinite box

      Choose the option:

      Add geometry and mesh after mesh import: