General information


The parametric distributed computing allows the user to save computation time while distributing several independent configurations of the same Flux project. For example, a Magnetic Transient project may be distributed regarding different values of parameters such as the geometrical parameters (size, shape, etc...) or physical parameters (supply current values, speed...) varying in the scenario. Several projects will run at the same time simulating all those configurations.

This document shows the establishment of a parametric distribution on a single machine and on a cluster. For the single machine distribution, an internal tool of Flux is employed while PBS and other schedulers may be used on a cluster.


The parametric distribution allows the user to save computation time by parallelizing several independent configurations of a finite element problem with different values of I/O or geometric parameters varying in the scenario instead of running them sequentially. To set up a distributed computation, a primary Flux project is mandatory in order to compute all its sub-projects having an independent configuration.

The primary Flux project controls all the other secondary projects (distribution) and is in charge of the gathering of all the results obtained during the solving process by all the sub-projects Flux as depicted in the figure below:

Figure 1. Picture illustrating a parametric distribution, a primary Flux is controlling several secondary Flux with independent configurations of geometric or I/O parameters.