DataSet Structure: Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

Table 1. Required properties for specific absorption rates (SAR).
Property name Property type Description
Frequency Axes Every specific absorption rate DataSet requires a valid frequency axis. (Hz)
HasAverageSAROverTotalVolume Quantities This is a boolean value. If the flag is true, then AverageSAROverTotalVolume must be specified.
AverageSAROverTotalVolume Quantities Average SAR over the total volume of the model. This quantity is a scalar value. ( W kg )
HasAverageSAROverRequestedVolume Quantities This is a boolean value. If the flag is true, then the AverageSAROverRequestedVolume is required.
AverageSAROverRequestedVolume Quantities Average SAR over a specifically requested sub-volume of the model. This quantity is a scalar value. ( W kg )
HasPeakSAR Quantities This is a boolean value. If the flag is true, then the MassOfPeakSARCube , as well as the AirFractionOfPeakSARCube and the PeakSARInCube must be specified.
MassOfPeakSARCube Quantities The mass of the SAR cube in kilograms. The value is a scalar and is typically 0.01 kg or 0.001 kg . ( kg )
AirFractionOfPeakSARCube Quantities Air fraction in percent for this specific cube. The value is a scalar.
PeakSARInCube Quantities Peak SAR in this specific cube. The value is a scalar. ( W kg )