Goal Operator

Specify how the focus is compared with the goal objective and the goal operator.

There are five operator types that are common to all goals.

Indicates that the processed focus should be equal to the object.
error= n=1 N |  Focus(n)Objective  |
Greater than
Indicates that the processed focus should be greater than the objective.
error = N n = 1 { | Focus ( n ) Objective | for Focus < Objective 0 for Focus Objective
Less than
Indicates that the processed focus should be less than the objective.
error = N n = 1 { | Focus ( n ) Objective | for Focus > Objective 0 for Focus Objective
Indicates that the processed focus should be maximised (no objective is required for this operator).
Indicates that the processed focus should be minimised (no objective is required for this operator).

When a goal is evaluated, a single value error representation of the goal is extracted according to the operator type. When the focus remains an array after the processing steps, an error is evaluated at each point in the array, and the cumulative error is taken. For the comparative operator types (Equal, Greater than and Less than), where the relationship between the focus and objective satisfies the operator, the contribution to the error representation is zero.