Surface Current Density (.OS)

The data structure for the .os files is described .

The following fields are available in the header block:

Table 1. Fields in the Header Block of the .os file.
Key Required Description
File Type Yes Describes the type of the file. For surface charge density, the value must be Currents.
File Format Yes Denotes the file syntax version (such as 4). If not present it defaults to version 1 (files pre-dating Feko 6.1).
Source Optional Denotes the base filename of the source where this data comes from.
Date Optional Date and time of data export in format YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm:ss (that is 24-hour format).

The following fields are available in the solution block header:

Table 2. Available fields in the solution block header of the .os file.
Key Required Description
Configuration Name Optional The configuration name, if present.
Request Name Optional The explicit name given to that solution request (as denoted in the .pre file). If none is specified, POSTFEKO will use a default name of request_N (where _N is replaced with a number for each unnamed request) during import.
Frequency Yes Frequency in Hz for which the following data was measured/computed.
No. of [$$$] Samples Yes The number of samples in each axis direction. The [$$$] term is replaced by the following:
  • Electric Current Triangle
  • Magnetic Current Triangle
  • Segment Current
Spatial Units Optional Specify the units in which the position is defined.
Result Units Optional Specify the units in which the results are given.
No. of Header Lines Optional Number of header lines to read. The column header lines must follow this line. If this value is not specified, assume a value of 1.
Yes For header lines, the following format should be used:
#No. of Header Lines: M
#"Column 1: Line 1" "Column 2: Line 1" ... "Column N: Line 1"
#"Column 1: Line 2" "Column 2: Line 2" ... "Column N: Line 2"
#"Column 1: Line M" "Column 2: Line M" ... "Column N: Line M"
The column headers for currents are dependent on the element type.
Triangles (Electric currents):
Num X Y Z Re(Jx) Im(Jx) Re(Jy) Im(Jy) Re(Jz) Im(Jz) ...
... Abs(Jcorn1) Abs(Jcorn2) Abs(Jcorn3) ...
... Re(Jx_c1) Im(Jx_c1) Re(Jy_c1) Im(Jy_c1) Re(Jz_c1) Im(Jz_c1) ...
... Re(Jx_c2) Im(Jx_c2) Re(Jy_c2) Im(Jy_c2) Re(Jz_c2) Im(Jz_c2) ...
... Re(Jx_c3) Im(Jx_c3) Re(Jy_c3) Im(Jy_c3) Re(Jz_c3) Im(Jz_c3)
Triangles (Magnetic currents):
Num X Y Z Re(Mx) Im(Mx) Re(My) Im(My) Re(Mz) Im(Mz) ...
... Abs(Mcorn1) Abs(Mcorn2) Abs(Mcorn3) ...
... Re(Mx_c1) Im(Mx_c1) Re(My_c1) Im(My_c1) Re(Mz_c1) Im(Mz_c1) ...
... Re(Mx_c2) Im(Mx_c2) Re(My_c2) Im(My_c2) Re(Mz_c2) Im(Mz_c2) ...
... Re(Mx_c3) Im(Mx_c3) Re(My_c3) Im(My_c3) Re(Mz_c3) Im(Mz_c3)
Num X Y Z Re(Ix) Im(Ix) Re(Iy) Im(Iy) Re(Iz) Im(Iz)