List of Native Files and Descriptions
A list of native files with descriptions is given.
- ._n (for example, … ._14, ._15 …)
- Page (temporary storage) file for the matrix in the sequential version of Feko with out-of-core solution.
- .afo
- Continuous frequency results created by ADAPTFEKO.
- .bof
- Binary version of the output file which is used for post processing.
- .cfm
- CADFEKO mesh file (exported file containing CADFEKO mesh and variables to be imported by PREFEKO).
- .cfx
- Native CADFEKO model file (contains geometry, mesh, solution settings, optimisation settings etc.)
- .cgm
- Contains the size of the residue that results from the iterative algorithm which solves the matrix equation and the number of iterations. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .csr
- Contains the sparse near field matrix (stored in CSR format). To free memory, the sparse near field matrix is dumped to file.
- .dbg
- When using the UTD, it is possible to request an optional output file containing a large amount of additional data (and may therefore be very large), see the UT card.
- .efe
- File containing the electric field strengths. Contains both the position and the complex components of the electric field strength vectors. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .epl
- File containing the EM losses per element. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .fek
- Output file from PREFEKO -- serves as the input file for Feko.
- .ffe
- File containing the far field data. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .fhm
- Feko HyperMesh file containing mesh data. Import or export .fhm in Feko using standard mesh import and export settings. Use a .inc file with exact file name as the .fhm file to include material data.
- .gfe
- Interpolation table of the electric field strengths for the Green's function of a layered sphere.
- .gfh
- Interpolation table of the magnetic field strengths for the Green's function of a layered sphere.
- .hfe
- File containing the magnetic field strengths. Contains both the position and the complex components of the magnetic field strength vectors. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .inc
- Include file for PREFEKO.
- .log
- Log file created by OPTFEKO.
- .lud
- File in which the elements of the LU-decomposed MoM matrix are stored (only generated on request of a PS card.
- .mat
- File in which the matrix elements of the linear equation system, are stored (only generated on request of a PS card.
- .mdp
- A file which contains the S-parameters and additional request data for a multiport calculation. The file can be unpacked or created by The Multiport Processor.
- .mdm
- File containing the list of files to be packaged to a .mdp file.
- .mcc
- File containing the information for a multiport calculation. This is an .xml file which describes the content of the excitations, loads and networks connected to the multiport network from a .mdp file.
- .mcr
- File containing the port scaling coefficients,voltages and currents as well as the scaled field results if requested from a multiport calculation by the multiport processor.
- .opt
- Input file for the program OPTFEKO.
- .ofc
- Paging files for the array elements used with sequential and parallel out-of-core solution. (To avoid the 2 GByte file size limit; or on parallel systems with a distributed file system, several files may be used. These are distinguished by adding numbers to the file name.)
- .ol
- File containing the surface charges and the charges in the segments. The data includes the physical position and the complex charge density. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .ops
- File used internally by OPTFEKO to check if the existing .fek and .bof files may be reused through the --restart x option.
- .os
- File containing the surface currents and the currents in the segments. The data includes the physical position and the complex components of the current density vectors. This file is only generated on request by a DA card.
- .out
- The ASCII output file generated by the Feko solver, in which the results of all the calculations and messages can be found in a human-readable format.
- .pcr
- Exported ILU preconditioner for the FEM.
- .pfg
- POSTFEKO graph file. (The .pfg file is also used to store optimisation process information used for graphing in POSTFEKO after/during an optimisation run.)
- .pfs
- POSTFEKO session file.
- .pre
- Input file for PREFEKO.
- .pul
- File containing the cable per-unit-length parameters.
- .ray
- When using UTD or RL-GO an optional ray file can be requested. This file is not required when visualising rays in POSTFEKO
- .rhs
- File containing the right hand side vector in the system of linear equations.
- .sha
- File storing shadowing information for the PO.
- .sol
- File containing the model solution coefficients (generated on request from an MD card).
- .str
- File in which the coefficients of the basis functions are stored for reuse (generated on request from a PS card.
- .tr
- File containing the transmission and reflection coefficients.
- .vis
- When multiple reflections are used with the PO formulation Feko determines which basis functions have line of sight visibility. Since this calculation may require significant run time, this information can be saved to a .vis file for reuse.