What is the Maximum Character Path Length?

Feko supports a maximum character path length of 512 characters for Microsoft Windows when the registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled (Type: REG_DWORD) exists and is set to 1.

The maximum path consists of a drive letter, colon, backslash, subfolders (separated by backslashes), name and a terminating null character.

For example:
where "NULL" is the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. For the above example, the path is 28 characters long.

If a path length exceeds the maximum path length of 512 characters, the too-long path can be reduced in the following ways:

  • Rename a long file name.
  • Reduce the folder depth by moving the folder.
  • Use UNC pathing in Microsoft Windows.