Altair Drive Desktop Release Notes 2021.2

The release notes provides details about the new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in Altair One Drive Desktop 2021.2.

New Features

The new features available in Altair One Drive Desktop for this release are:

Support on other Operating Systems

On MacOS and Linux, the Altair One supports file synchronization between Altair Drive and the mounting location in your workstation.

The features such as Solve with, Generate Preview and Share features are not available as of now.

Account Folder

Access the files or folders that are created and maintained by the administrator. Based on the permissions provided, you can create, add, modify, view, and share files to other users.


Here are the enhancements in Altair One Drive Desktop.

Profile Status

As asterisk (*) is displayed next to the name in the profiles list to identify that the profile is connected.

Open MyFiles

The Open MyFiles buttons on the Home tab enables you to access the mounted MyFiles and Account Folder in your Windows Explorer.


The shared files are categorized and displayed by the user who has shared the files with you. The added profile in the quick access menu provides access to MyFiles and SharedWithMe.

Shared Files or Folders

  • Shared files or folders can be viewed and modified based on the permissions. The owner of the file would get the updated files automatically.
  • The concurrent save action of a shared file is enhanced in Altair One Drive Desktop. The user is notified and also a draft with changes will be available for three days for the user to verify and update.