Add a GCP Cloud Account

Add an existing GCP (Google Cloud Provider) service account to NavOps to create a cloud bursting scenario or an appliance.

Before you begin: A service account is a special Google account that belongs to an application or a virtual machine, instead of to an individual end user. Create a service account and give this account administrative permissions for all Compute Engine resources. Once this task is complete, you should have downloaded a JSON file containing the following:
  • Project ID
  • Client ID
  • Client email
  • Private key ID
  • Private key
GCP documentation can be found at Creating and Managing Projects.

GCP documentation can be found at Understanding Service Accounts and Compute Engine IAM Roles.

You must have created a GCP service account, given it Compute Admin permissions and downloaded a JSON file containing information about the service account. The information in the JSON file is necessary to create a cloud account in NavOps.

  1. Login to Altair NavOps.
  2. Click Cloud in the left navigation pane.
  3. Click .
  4. Enter the following to add a cloud account:

    Figure 1. Add GCP Cloud Account
    1. For Account name, enter any name for the cloud account.
      The name can be anything meaningful to your organization, e.g., gcp_cloudaccount.
    2. For Project ID, copy and paste the project_id value from the JSON file.
    3. For Client ID, copy and paste the client_id value from the JSON file.
    4. For Client Mail, copy and paste the client_email value from the JSON file.
    5. For Private Key ID, copy and paste the private_key_id value from the JSON file.
    6. For Private Key, copy and paste the private_key value from the JSON file.
    Important: Do not copy the \n characters at the end of the private_key value.
  5. Click Create Account.