Add a Microsoft Azure Cloud Account

Add an Azure cloud account to Altair NavOps to create a cloud bursting scenario.

Before you begin: You should have the following information stored in a file:
  • Client application ID generated when registering Altair NavOps with the Azure Active Directory.
  • Client secret key generated for the newly registered Altair NavOps application.
  • Subscription ID
  • Tenant ID

This information is necessary to create a cloud account in Altair NavOps. Azure documentation can be found at Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.

For more information about tenants How to get an Azure Active Directory tenant. As a final step, add users to the Active Directory.

  1. Login to Altair NavOps.
  2. Click Cloud in the left navigation pane.
  3. Click .
  4. Enter the following to add a cloud account:

    Figure 1. Add Azure Cloud Account
    1. For Account name, enter any name for the cloud account.
      The name can be anything meaningful to your organization, e.g., azure_cloudaccount.
    2. For Client ID, enter the Application ID generated when Altair NavOps was registered with the Azure Active Directory.
    3. For Secret Key, enter the client secret key generated for the newly registered Altair NavOps application.
    4. For AD tenant ID, enter your Azure tenant ID.
    5. For Subscription ID, enter your Azure subscription ID.
  5. Click Create Account.