Set the Range for VovId

A VovId is a nine-digit string assigned by VOV to each object in the trace.

Example: "000012345"

The VovIds grow monotonically up to 999,999,999, after which they cycle back down to restart at about 5,000.

Change the Range used for VovIds

The range used for VovIds can be configured from the command line by using the configuration keyword idrange and specifying both the low and the high range of the VovIds. There are rules for the relationship between the low and high values for VovId. For example, high must be at least 1,000,000 more than low. These rules are silently enforced.

In the following example, the VovId is constrained to the range of 5 million to 100 million:
% vovsh -x 'vtk_server_config idrange 5000000-100000000'
The current range of the VovIds can be retrieved with the following command:
% vovsh -x 'vtk_generic_get policy a; parray a vovId*
a(vovIdHigh) = 100000000
a(vovIdLow)  = 5000000

VovId Changes in FlowTracer (only in versions before 2015.09)

Note: This section does not apply for version 2015.09!
In FlowTracer (but not in Accelerator), the VovId of a job changes every time the job is executed. This happens because a new node is created each time a job starts: a new node is assigned a new VovId. For the duration of the execution, there are two nodes that represent the same job:
  • The node with the old VovId and with status *RETRACING
  • The node with the new VovId and with status *RUNNING

Upon completion of the job, the new node remains while the old node is forgotten.

The FlowTracer server remembers the relationship between the old VovId and the new VovId; if a job node is requested with the old VovId, the server will retrieve the job with the new VovId.

VovId No Longer Changes in FlowTracer (starting from version 2015.09)

The job that is running on a tasker goes through the status RETRACING=ORANGE to RUNNING=YELLOW but does not change the VovId. The information about which dependencies are new and which ones are old is kept in the "origin" field of the dependencies.