Start and Configure the Server

Although the Monitor daemons are started automatically upon startup, there may be times where a daemon should be restarted. This section describes how to control the daemons from the command line (CLI).

CLI-based Operation

To control daemons in the CLI, a utility is provided called vovdaemonmgr

Note: Daily log files generated by system daemons are now automatically compressed (non-Windows only).

vovdaemonmgr: Usage Message

This is the command to show the status of daemons. You can also use this
command to start/stop the daemons.

NOTE: This command can only be used by the owner of the vovserver and on the
machine where the vovserver runs.

    vovdaemonmgr <SUBCOMMAND> [OPTIONS] [daemonsList]

SUBCOMMAND is one of:
    list     -- List the configured daemons. (list -all for all daemons)
    restart  -- Restart the specified daemons.
    show     -- Show the status of the specified daemons.
    status   -- Same as 'show'.
    start    -- Start the specified daemons.
    stop     -- Stop the specified daemons.

[daemonsList] is optional. When omitted, act on all daemons.

    -f         -- Force flag (for start only). If the start subcommand
                  has an explicit daemonsList, the specified daemons
                  will be started even if not configured.
    -h         -- Help usage message.
    -v         -- Increase verbosity.
    -retry <N> -- For NIS, control how many retries to attempt, default 0
    -wait  <N> -- For NIS, control how long to wait between retries, default 0s 


    % vovdaemonmgr list
    % vovdaemonmgr list -all
    % vovdaemonmgr status
    % vovdaemonmgr status vovpreemptd
    % vovdaemonmgr start vovnotifyd
    % vovdaemonmgr start -force vovresourced
    % vovdaemonmgr start -force -v -v vovresourced
    % vovdaemonmgr stop vovlad