Server Working Directory
When a project is created, a server working directory (.swd directory) is created to hold configuration and state information about the project.
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This manual provides information about managing a VOV project, including starting the server and connecting computing resources such as computers and licenses.
All of Altair Accelerator's products are based on a client/server architecture to support concurrent activities, team coordination, distributed data management, and distributed processing. The program vovserver runs in the background as a service to implement the main product features. It is the server.
A "project" is a named collection of jobs, together with all the files that are used and produced by those jobs. The contents of VOV projects can be custom organized.
The VOV Registry contains the list of all projects known to an installation of Altair Accelerator software. The registry is used by the vovproject command, and stores metadata such as the host machine and port number of a project.
When a project is created, a server working directory (.swd directory) is created to hold configuration and state information about the project.
The default location for the server working directory is within the vovserverdir directory, that is typically in the user's home directory, for instance, the ~/vov directory.
There are several files are located in the project's server working directory.
The server working directory contains several subdirectories.
To avoid issues such as looping, exercise caution with the name of the server working directory.
The project name is normally used to compute the number of the TCP port on which the vovserver listens for connections. This is done by hashing the project name into the port range 6200-6455, using the function vtk_port_number.
The vovservermgr
command is added for system administrators. The vovservermgr
command is the easiest way to modify configuration parameter settings, environment variable settings, and certain
other features in the running vovserver. This command acts relative to the VOV-project enabled in the shell where
it is issued.
vovserver configuration parameter values may be changed in a running vovserver using the CLI, or prior to the starting the server via the policy.tcl file. An administator can configure the parameters in the running vovserver using the vovservermgr command or the vtk_server_config procedure.
The maximum number of clients - the combination of vovtaskers, user interfaces and proxies, that can be concurrently connected to a vovserver is limited by the number of file descriptors available.
As the server farm becomes larger and larger, it becomes useful to allow the vovserver to use multiple threads to handle the costly read-only services, such as listing sets of jobs or retrieving the complete list of taskers.
A VovId is a nine-digit string assigned by VOV to each object in the trace.
The vovserver records all events in a journal file that resides in a the subdirectory journals/ of the server configuration directory.
Although the Monitor daemons are started automatically upon startup, there may be times where a daemon should be restarted. This section describes how to control the daemons from the command line (CLI).
With the command vovautostart, on vovserver startup, scripts can be specified to execute automatically.
If the directory "tasks" exist in the Server Working Directory, the server calls the vovliveness script once per minute.
The UNIX utility crontab is used to perform regularly scheduled tasks such as retracing an entire project each night or storing a back-up of the trace every Saturday. vovcrontab is a VOV utility that simplifies the creation of cron rules for a project. Directions are provided in this section.
The daemon vovtriggerd taps the event stream and executes commands that are based on selected events.
The command sanity is used to perform checks on the consistency of the trace and of other internal data structures.
The files used in a project reside in one or more directories spread all around your filesystems. Each logical name defined in the equiv.tcl file implicitly declares the root of a workspace. You can browse the workspaces using the browser interface.
A tasker is a VOV client that provides computing resources, specifically CPU cycles, to the vovserver.
FlowTracer can be used also as a front end to an existing batch processing system (BPS), for example, Accelerator, LSF, SGE, SGEEE, etc.
Altair Accelerator includes a subsystem for managing computing resources. This allows the design team to factor in various constraints regarding hardware and software resources, as well as site policy constraints.
This document is a collection of techniques that have proven to be useful when applying FlowTracer in Electronic Design Automation.
This manual provides information about managing a VOV project, including starting the server and connecting computing resources such as computers and licenses.
When a project is created, a server working directory (.swd directory) is created to hold configuration and state information about the project.
When a project is created, a server working directory (.swd directory) is created to hold configuration and state information about the project.
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