Soldering Pallet Tutorial

Use this tutorial to get a quick start using the PollEx Soldering Pallet tool. While this tutorial offers an overview of key concepts, see the Soldering Pallet User Guide for more information regarding the available functions. Understanding the concepts presented in this tutorial will help you learn to use this tool efficiently with the help of the online help.
  1. Launch PollEx PCB.
  2. Launch PollEx Soldering Pallet.
    1. From the menu bar, click File > Open and open the PollEx_MFG_Sample_T5_r<revision number>.pdbb from C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\<version>\Examples\MFG.
  3. Generate Soldering Pallet.
    1. From the menu bar, click Manufacture > Soldering Pallet > Generator > Setting & Generation.
      The Generate-Input dialog opens.
    2. In the Generate-Input dialog, load the GenerationRule.PSGI input file from C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\<version>\Examples\MFG\SolderingPallet.

      Figure 1.
    3. Click Generate.
      After processing, the log file displays.

      Figure 2.
    4. Close the log file.
      The generated Soldering Pallet area displays.
  4. Validate the Soldering Pallet area.
    The generated Soldering Pallet area is verified automatically, and results are listed as shown below. The two types of results are pass and failed.

    Figure 3.
    1. Click the Pallet to Reflow Component from the list to check the result.

      Figure 4.
      The results are shown in Figure 5.

      Figure 5.
    2. Click View Input to see or change the setting value.

      Figure 6.
    3. Check or edit settings and values.
    4. If items are changed, click Run to verify the changed items and values.
  5. Load input file (*.PSPI) and change the condition.
    1. From the menu bar, click Manufacture > Soldering Pallet > Validation Input.
      The Soldering Pallet-Input dialog opens.
    2. Open the ValidationPallet.PSPI file from the sample folder.
    3. In the Component tab of the Soldering Pallet-Input dialog, change the Horizontal value to 0.6 and Vertical value to 1.2 for Pallet to SMD.

      Figure 7.
    4. Click Run.
  6. Save the result.
    1. From the menu, click Save.
    2. Save the file as SolderingPallet.PSPR.
  7. From the menu bar, click Manufacture > Soldering Pallet > Validation Result to load the result.