
Standard inputs

DC voltage

Voltage provided by the external DC source.


The imposed “Speed” (Speed) of the machine must be set.

Advanced inputs

Circuit resistance

Parasitic resistance of the circuit connecting the DC voltage source with the DC machine.

Circuit inductance

Parasitic inductance of the circuit connecting the DC voltage source with the DC machine.

Minimum number of computations per revolution

The user input “Min. no. comp. / revolution” (Minimum number of computations per revolution) influences the accuracy of results and the computation time.

The default value is equal to 50. The default value provides a good compromise between the accuracy of results and computation time. The minimum allowed value is 13.

No. computed revolutions

The user input “No. computed revolutions” (Number of computer revolutions) influences the computation time, it may also have an important impact to assure the steady state has been stablished (imperative condition to achieve accurate results).

The default value is 2. The minimum allowed value is 2 and the maximum value is equal to 4.  

Mesh order

To get the results, the original computation is performed using a Finite Element Modeling.

Two levels of meshing can be considered for this finite element calculation: first order and second order.

This parameter influences the accuracy of results and the computation time.

By default, a second order mesh is used.

Airgap mesh coefficient

MeshPoint = (airgap) x (airgap mesh coefficient)

Airgap mesh coefficient is set to 1.5 by default.

The variation range of values for this parameter is [0.05; 2].

0.05 giving a very high mesh density and 2 giving a very coarse mesh density.
CAUTION: Be aware, a very high mesh density does not always mean a better result quality. However, this always leads to a huge number of nodes in the corresponding finite element model. So, it means a need for huge numerical memory and increases the computation time considerably.