
Three buttons give access to the following setting definitions: Thermal, Electronics and Mechanics. Each kind of setting is briefly defined here.

Additional information can be read in the document: MotorFactory_SMWF_ISP_IR_3PH_Test_Introduction – sections dealing with settings.

Thermal settings

In the thermal settings:
  • You can define the temperatures of active components (windings and dampers (bars + end ring)) to define the physical properties of the materials needed to directly run the tests.

(1) Temperatures of the machine active components to be considered for characterizing the physical properties of the associated materials.

For more details, please refer to the document: MotorFactory_SMWF_ISP_IR_3PH_Test_Introduction – section “thermal settings”.

Power electronics parameters

Dialog box to define the power electronics parameters:
  • Inverter control strategy
  • Inputs for evaluating the power electronics stage losses.

For more details, please refer to the document: MotorFactory_SMWF_ISP_IR_3PH_Test_Introduction – sections dealing with “Power electronics mode settings”.

Mechanical loss model parameters

A dialog box allows for defining the mechanical loss computation model.

For more details, please refer to the document: MotorFactory_SMWF_ISP_IR_3PH_Test_Introduction – section “Mechanical loss model settings”.