Build specific search for a file type, combine multiple search values by selecting correct operators (=, Like, or
Is) and values (file name, file extension, metadata).
Upload a file or a Zip file to the Files tab in Altair Drive.
While uploading a file to Altair
Drive, the application reads the file contents and displays the content
type automatically.
Note: When you upload an existing file to Altair Drive, the file name is added with the sequential number
in brackets as a suffix. For example: Health_Check_Model.stmod(1)
<file name (sequential number)>
You can upload one
or more files at a time. You can view your storage update on the left pane
once the files are uploaded.
Click from your Favorite Apps on the home
The Files tab is displayed.
Choose one of the following options:
Drag and drop a file on to the right-pane.
Click Upload on the Action Ribbon.
Right-click and select Upload from the context
The Open dialog box displays your recently accessed folder path on your
Select a file and click Open.
The selected file is uploaded and a notification is displayed. Figure 1. File Upload