Stream Processing is a method of tracking and analyzing streams of information of an event, and eventually obtaining useful structured
conclusions out of that raw information.
SmartWorks IoTEdgeOps is a set of tools for building, maintaining and continuously improving code in resource constrained devices at the
edge of smart product ecosystems.
Before you can start building, you must define a Space for your
project to live in.
Note: Name your Space carefully, it is not editable and is used in
URL references later. Space names must be unique, even among other users. If a Space
name has already been used, the following message will appear: Figure 1.
To create a new Space, click the tile to create a new Space
to build your IoT project.
Enter your Space name and click
Figure 2.
The Space is saved, and the SmartWorks IoT "Let's start building" screen appears.
Click Let's start building!
The home screen appears, with the Welcome to SmartWorks
IoT dialog open.
Review the information in the dialog, then click to close it.
Note: Select the Do not open this at login to dismiss
this dialog from automatically opening at login.