Callback functions

Detailed Description

Other defines
typedef int(_STD_CALL * CALLBACK_HEIGHT_LAYER_SELECTION) (const char *const *const properties, const int nrProperties, int *const heightPropertyIndex, int *const materialPropertyIndex)
Type of callback for gathering settings of how to convert urban formats, which have the height described by generic properties.
typedef int(_STD_CALL * CALLBACK_AUTOCAD_LAYER_SELECTION) (const char *const *const layerNames, const int nrLayers, int *const layerConvert, int *const arcDiscretization)
Type of callback for gathering settings of how to convert AutoCAD formats (.dwg, .dxf).
typedef int(_STD_CALL * CALLBACK_AC_CONVERTER) (AC_LayerInfo *layerInfo)
Type of callback for gathering settings of how to convert found 2D objects during conversion of AutoCAD files (dwg, dxf)
The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/Interface/EngineConvert.h