Detailed Description
Mobile station postprocessing structs and enums.
- Enum
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_OMNI : An enum constant representing the omni polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_VERTICAL : An enum constant representing the vertical polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_HORIZONTAL : An enum constant representing the horizontal polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_MINUS45 : An enum constant representing the minus 45 degree polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_PLUS45 : An enum constant representing the plus 45 degree polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_RHCP : An enum constant representing the RHCP polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_LHCP : An enum constant representing the LHCP polarization
- WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_X_POL : An enum constant representing the X polarization
- WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_SINGLE_ANTENNA : An enum constant representing an array with a single antenna
- WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL : An enum constant representing an array with individually placed elements
- WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_CIRCULAR : An enum constant representing an array with circular placed elements
- WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_LINEAR : An enum constant representing an array with elements placed separated within one dimension
- WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_RECTANGULAR : An enum constant representing an array with elements placed separated within two dimensions
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_PROPAGATION : An enum constant representing channel data amplitudes and phases determined from ray data
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_RANDOM : An enum constant representing channel data amplitudes from ray data, gaussian distributed phases
- WINPROP_MS_SNIR_MEAN : An enum constant representing mean SNIR
- WINPROP_MS_SNIR_CALC : An enum constant representing SNIR to be computed
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_NONE : An enum constant representing no normalization
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_TIME_FROBENIUS : An enum constant representing Froebenius normalization in time domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_TIME_ENERGY_CHANNEL : An enum constant representing normalization of channel energy in time domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_TIME_ENERGY_SUBCHANNEL : An enum constant representing normalization of sub-channel energy in time domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_TIME_STRONGEST_RAY : An enum constant representing normalization to strongest ray in time domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_FREQ_FROBENIUS : An enum constant representing Froebenius normalization in frequency domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_FREQ_ENERGY_CHANNEL : An enum constant representing normalization of channel energy in frequency domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_FREQ_PATHLOSS : An enum constant representing normalization of path loss in frequency domain
- WINPROP_MS_NORMALIZE_FREQ_SNIR : An enum constant representing normalization of SNIR in frequency domain
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_MATRIX_REAL_IMAG : An enum constant representing the channel matrix elements to be in format real/imag
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_MATRIX_MAG_PHASE : An enum constant representing the channel matrix elements to be in format real/imag
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EQUAL : An enum constant representing the power allocation (equal power here) scheme for channel capacity computation.
- WINPROP_MS_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_WATER_FILLING : An enum constant representing the power allocation (water filling here) scheme for channel capacity computation.
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/SuperposeMS/winprop_superposems_types.h