Indoor Propagation in Point Mode

Detailed Description

This is an example of how to use the WinProp API for indoor propagation in point mode. The full example is distributed with the installation.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include "indoor_propagation_points.h"

#define API_DATA_FOLDER "../../api/winprop/data/"
#endif // !API_DATA_FOLDER

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	const int NrPoints = 3;
	int                 Error = 0, ProjectHandle = 0;
	WinProp_Scenario    WinPropScenario;
	WinProp_Callback    WinPropCallback;
	WinProp_Receiver    WinPropReceiver[NrPoints];
	WinProp_Antenna     WinPropAntenna;
	WinProp_Pattern     WinPropPattern;
	WinProp_Additional  WinPropMore;
	WinProp_Propagation_Results OutputResults;

	/* ------------------ Initialization of structures --------------------------- */

	for (int loop = 0; loop < NrPoints; loop++)

	/* ---------- Load indoor vector database and initialise scenario ------------ */
	/* Assign database name. */
	WinPropScenario.Scenario = WINPROP_SCENARIO_INDOOR;
	char VectorDatabase[500];
	sprintf(VectorDatabase, "%s", API_DATA_FOLDER "../data/indoor/IndoorVectordatabase.idb");
	WinPropScenario.VectorDatabase = VectorDatabase;
	/* Define callback functions. */
	WinPropCallback.Percentage = CallbackProgress;
	WinPropCallback.Message = CallbackMessage;
	WinPropCallback.Error = CallbackError;

	/* Call the WinProp API to open a project and load the vector database. */
	Error = WinProp_Open(&ProjectHandle, &WinPropScenario, &WinPropCallback);
	/* ----------------------- Set up prediction --------------------------------- */
	if (Error == 0) {
		/* Definition of prediction points. */
		WinPropReceiver[0].Location.x = 45.0;
		WinPropReceiver[0].Location.y = 12.0;
		WinPropReceiver[0].Location.z = 0.5;

		WinPropReceiver[1].Location.x = 70.0;
		WinPropReceiver[1].Location.y = -2.0;
		WinPropReceiver[1].Location.z = 1.5;

		WinPropReceiver[2].Location.x = 60.0;
		WinPropReceiver[2].Location.y = 2.0;
		WinPropReceiver[2].Location.z = 2.5;

		/* Definition of antenna pattern. */
		WinPropPattern.Mode = PATTERN_MODE_FILE; // Load pattern from file
		char PatternFileName[500];
		sprintf(PatternFileName, "%s", API_DATA_FOLDER "antennas/Antenna.apb");
		WinPropPattern.Filename = PatternFileName; // Pattern file (including extension)

		/* Defintion of antenna properties. */
		WinPropAntenna.Enabled = 1;
		WinPropAntenna.Id = 1;
		WinPropAntenna.SiteId = 1;
		WinPropAntenna.Longitude_X = 60.25;
		WinPropAntenna.Latitude_Y = 6.25;
		WinPropAntenna.Height = 2.0; // Antenna height 2.0 meter
		WinPropAntenna.Model = WINPROP_MODEL_SRT; // Use the DPM
		WinPropAntenna.DataType = PROP_RESULT_POWER; // Compute received power
		WinPropAntenna.Power = 10.0; // Power in dBm
		WinPropAntenna.Frequency = 1800.0; // Frequency 1800 MHz
		WinPropAntenna.Pattern = &WinPropPattern; // Use pattern defined above
		WinPropAntenna.Azimuth = 270.0; // Antenna points in western direction
		WinPropAntenna.Downtilt = 1.0; // Downtilt of 1 degree

		char AntennaName[500];
		sprintf(AntennaName, "%s", "my_antenna_name");
		WinPropAntenna.Name = AntennaName; // name of the antenna

		/* Definition of outputs to be computed and written in WinProp format. */
		WinPropMore.OutputResults = &OutputResults;
		char ResultPath[500];
		sprintf(ResultPath, "%s", API_DATA_FOLDER "output/IndoorPoints_Output");
		OutputResults.ResultPath = ResultPath; // Output data directory 
		OutputResults.FieldStrength = 1;
		OutputResults.PathLoss = 1;
		OutputResults.Delay = 1;
		OutputResults.DelaySpread = 1;
		OutputResults.AngularSpreadMS = 1;
		OutputResults.AngularSpreadBS = 1;
		OutputResults.AngularMeans = 1;
		OutputResults.StatusLOS = 1;
		OutputResults.RayFilePropPaths = 1;
		OutputResults.StrFilePropPaths = 1;
		// OutputResults.StrFileTransMatrix = 1; // only possible for WINPROP_INTERACTION_MODEL_GTDUTD
		// WinPropMore.InteractionModel = WINPROP_INTERACTION_MODEL_GTDUTD;

		/* Further parameters: With filtering. */
		WinPropMore.ResultFiltering = 1;

        /* ----------------------- Start prediction ------------------------------ */
        WinProp_ResultPointsList* PowerResult = nullptr;
		Error = WinProp_Predict_Points(
			ProjectHandle, &WinPropAntenna, WinPropReceiver, NrPoints, nullptr, &WinPropMore, &PowerResult, nullptr, nullptr);

		/* Free memory */

	return 0;

int _STD_CALL CallbackMessage(const char * Text)
	if (Text == nullptr)
		return 0;

	std::cout << "\n" << Text;


int _STD_CALL CallbackError(const char * Text, int Error)
	if (Text == nullptr)
		return 0;

	std::cout << "\n";

#ifdef __LINUX
	std::cout << "\033[31m" << "Error (" << Error << "): "; // highlight error in red color
	HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, FOREGROUND_RED);
	std::cout << "Error (" << Error << "): ";
#endif // __LINUX
	std::cout << Text;

#ifdef __LINUX
	std::cout << "\033[0m"; // highlight error in red color
#endif // __LINUX

	return 0;

int _STD_CALL CallbackProgress(int value, const char* text)
	char Line[200];

	sprintf(Line, "\n%d%% %s", value, text);
	std::cout << Line;
