- Ground
Ground node
- Resistor
Ideal linear electrical resistor
- HeatingResistor
Temperature dependent electrical resistor
- Conductor
Ideal linear electrical conductor
- Capacitor
Ideal linear electrical capacitor
- Inductor
Ideal linear electrical inductor
- SaturatingInductor
Simple model of an inductor with saturation
- Transformer
Transformer with two ports
- M_Transformer
Generic transformer with free number of inductors
- Gyrator
Electromotoric force (electric/mechanic transformer)
- TranslationalEMF
Electromotoric force (electric/mechanic transformer)
Linear voltage-controlled voltage source
Linear voltage-controlled current source
Linear current-controlled voltage source
Linear current-controlled current source
- OpAmp
Simple nonideal model of an OpAmp with limitation
- OpAmpDetailed
Detailed model of an operational amplifier
- VariableResistor
Ideal linear electrical resistor with variable resistance
- VariableConductor
Ideal linear electrical conductor with variable conductance
- VariableCapacitor
Ideal linear electrical capacitor with variable capacitance
- VariableInductor
Ideal linear electrical inductor with variable inductance
- Potentiometer
Adjustable resistor
- GeneralCurrentToVoltageAdaptor
Signal adaptor for an Electrical OnePort with voltage and derivative of voltage as outputs and current and derivative of current as inputs (especially useful for FMUs)
- GeneralVoltageToCurrentAdaptor
Signal adaptor for an Electrical OnePort with current and derivative of current as output and voltage and derivative of voltage as input (especially useful for FMUs)