Inspire Render software is a 3D conceptual rendering environment which empowers designers to swiftly create and evolve photorealistic
visualizations of forms. Inspire Render software is one of the very few 3D design products which supports both Windows and Mac OS X systems.
The software saves versions of your objects as you create them, enabling you to return to an earlier stage of an object,
and modify or reuse the object from that stage.
By adding cameras to your scene and customizing their position, angle, rendering image resolution, and rendering
image quality, you can view and render your models from multiple perspectives and create a more distinctive
Adjust the view detail for the Shaded and Real-time display modes and final rendering. You can also adjust the ambient
occlusion for the Shaded display mode, as well as ambient occlusion and global illumination for the Real-time display
The application has four different grids, each with successively larger spacing. Grids are drawing aids used to place
and align points and objects with precision. They do not appear in rendered images.
Capture an image of a model. The background is white by default, but you can make it colored or transparent. Arrows
on curves are automatically turned off.
Inspire Render has three different tool belts to help you quickly access the tools you need to create highly realistic renderings.
You can use the tool belts with the default configuration of tools or you can customize the tool belts by adding and
removing tools as required.