Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

Learn keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls for common operations.

Configure keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls in the Preferences dialog, which can be accessed by clicking File > Preferences from the menu bar.

File Management

Function PC Mac
New Ctrl + N Command + N
Open Ctrl + O Command + O
Import Ctrl + M Command + M
Save Ctrl + S Command + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Save selected Shift + F12 Option (Alt) + F12


Function PC Mac
Open the Model Browser Ctrl + 1 Command + 1
Show full screen Shift + F11 Shift + F11
Open the Tool belt Alt + Right-Click Alt + Right-Click


Function PC Mac Note
Look around Left + Right Mouse Button + Drag Left + Right Mouse Button + Drag Inspire Render provides a default preset for certain mouse controls found in Preferences. Modify the default at will.
Trackball rotate Middle Mouse Drag

Ctrl + Middle Mouse Drag

Middle Mouse Drag

Command + Middle Mouse Drag

Turntable rotate Shift + Right Mouse Drag Shift + Right Mouse Drag
Pan Right Mouse Button + Drag Right Mouse Button + Drag

Track pad: Two Finger Click + Drag

Zoom Middle Mouse Scroll

Ctrl + Shift + Right Mouse Button + Drag

Magic Mouse Scroll

Command + Shift + Right Mouse Button + Drag

Track pad: Two Finger Tap + Drag

Set center of rotation and use trackball to rotate Shift + Right Mouse Button + Drag Shift + Command + Right Mouse Button + Drag
Fit F F


Function Shortcut Mac
Hide H H
Isolate I I
No edges E E
Edges R R
Isoparms T T
Set new Home view Ctrl + Home Command + Home
Return to Home view Home Home
Curve plot Ctrl + Shift + P Command + Shift + P


Function PC Mac
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Stepback Delete Command + Delete
Delete Delete Command + Delete
Delete with history Alt + D Alt + D


Function PC Mac
Select all Ctrl + A Command + A
Select the group Ctrl + G Command + G
Hide or unhide H H
Toggle Isolate mode I I

Modeling Tools

Function PC Mac
Translate, rotate, or scale E or Alt+W E or Alt+W
Close the modeling tool Esc (during creation), double right-click (during edit), or right-click context menu.
Note: Pressing ESC will show a dialog asking to accept the creation (as if green button has been pressed) or abort (as if red button has been pressed)
Note: During Edit mode, ESC will just close the tool (the same as "right-click, swipe)
Esc (during creation), double right-click (during edit), or right-click context menu
Note: Pressing ESC will show a dialog asking to accept the creation (as if green button has been pressed) or abort (as if red button has been pressed)
Note: During Edit mode, ESC will just close the tool (the same as "right-click, swipe)
Reopen the last modeling tool Ctrl + Spacebar Command + Spacebar invokes the spotlight search on Mac by default. To use it in Inspire Render, change the default shortcut for the ‘Spotlight’ function in Mac OS. System preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.


Function Shortcut (PC and Mac)
Edit vertices A
Edit edges S
Edit faces D
Toggle Nurbify N


Function PC Mac
Open the Material Library Ctrl + 2 Command + 2
Open the Model Library Ctrl + 3 Command + 3
Render the current view Ctrl + R Command + R
Render the selected objects Ctrl + Shift + R Command + Shift + R
Open the Darkroom Ctrl + B Command + B


Function Shortcut (PC and Mac)
Snap to Grid #1 Alt + 1
Snap to Grid #2 Alt + 2
Snap to Grid #3 Alt + 3
Snap to Grid #4 Alt + 4


Function Shortcut (PC and Mac)
Open the help F1