Unified Part Libraries Link
PollEx DFA is an assembly checking toolset based on 3D package part libraries constructed with Unified Part Editor (UPE).
Before PollEx DFA verification, you need to link 3D package libraries with PCB design. From the menu bar, click .

- Part Name: Part name used in PCB layout design.
- UPF Name: MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) in 3D package-based libraries. MPN is a unique identifier in UPE librarian.
- Footprint: Footprint name used in PCB layout design.
- Package: Package name used in PCB layout design.
- Functional Type: Display the functional type of the synced UPF library.
- Passive Value: Display the value of the passive components entered in PCB layout data and the UPF library.
- Pin Count: Display the number of pins.
- Package, Electrical and Thermal: Package means 3D package, Electrical means electrical data and Thermal means thermal information data. Checking each column means you will get download selected information from library parts to local parts libraries. Local libraries are local parts under the Parts folder with PDBB file existing path.
- Reference Designator List: Display the reference designator used in component of PCB layout.
- Part library directory: Unified parts library path.
- MPN Reference file: Specify the MPN reference file. The MPN reference file is a mapping table of the part name and the MPN used in the design data.
- Synchronize: Get download information from library parts to local parts libraries.
- Export MS Excel: Export table information to MS/Excel.
- Edit Elec/Thermal Prop: Edit electrical and thermal properties of parts for SI or Thermal analysis.
- Edit Package Geom: UPE is executed when you click the menu. The selected part can be edited.
- Find by Ref Designator: Search parts by the reference designator.
- Close: Close the window.