
Set each environment format.

From the menu bar, click Setting > Environment.
The Environment dialog opens. The dialog contains the following sections:
  • Directory/File: Sets the directory to save sheet form, Mark DXF file and symbol file. If a sheet form path is specified, the sheet is automatically saved when the page is created.
  • Stack Color: Sets the color for each stacked layer.
  • Set Excluding Filter: Specify filters, letters, and numbers to be excluded when setting BGA Type Pin Number in the Pin tab.
  • Set Export Option.
    • Auto run after export (PDF): If the file output format is specified as PDF, the exported file is automatically opened and displays after printing.
    • Use thread PDF export: To speed up PDF file output, if multiple pages are output as a PDF file with this menu turned on, it is output per page and later merges the PDF file information to create a single file. If there is only one page, there is no effect of speed improvement.
    • Except Object out of Board Outline: Sets whether to display the object existing outside the board outline.
    • Set Board Figure Void Color White: Sets the color of void in the board figure as white.
    • Set Drill Hole Layer to Top Priority: Forcibly change the display order of the drill hole to the top.
    • Set Board Outline Color as Black (PDF): Sets the color of board outline as black to export the PDF file.