Summary All Fields Window
Use this window to view or modify the properties of all fields (keys, items, and measures) in a summary.
Note: if you want to add or remove fields, use the Add/Remove Fields window.
Displaying the All Fields window
Go to Summary Design.
Select a Summary from the Summaries selector. The summary's properties are displayed on the Summary Window.
Select All Fields on the Summary Design ribbon.
Select a field on the All Fields selector. The field's tabs and properties are displayed.
The General tab will indicate what type of field is currently selected: key, item or measure.
A different set of tabs display for each field type.
Refer to the following for more information on the tabs and properties for each key type:
Refer to Summary Keys window for information on key field properties.
Refer to Summary Items window for information on item field properties.
Refer to Summary Measures window for information on measure field properties.
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