Sine Hyperbolic Inverse Model
The Sine Hyperbolic Inverse model is given by the following expression.
Workpiece | Aluminium | { |
ConstitutiveModel = | "SineHypINv" | |
Density = | ρ | |
SpecificHeat = | Cp (T) | |
Conductivity = | K (T) | |
CoeffOfThermalExpansion = | βT | |
VolumericHeatSource = | Qvol | |
StressExponent = | n | |
ActivationEnergy = | Q | |
ReferenceTemperatrue | T0 | |
SolidusTemperature = | Ts | |
LiquidusTemperature = | T1 | |
ReciprocalStrainFactor = | A | |
UniversalGasConstant = | R | |
Alpha = | α | |
StrainRateOffset = | ε | |
YoungModulus = | E | |
PoissonRatio = | ν} |