Tool Material Properties

The Tool material type is similar to the Solid material type and is a parameter used with the BEGIN MATERIAL data block. This material must be used when solving conjugate heat transfer problems. For Tool, HyperXtrude allows you to specify the conductivity in the form of diagonal tensor.


Tool Steel {
Density = p
SpecificHeat = Cp (T)
XConductivity = K (T)
YConductivity = K (T)
ZConductivity = K (T)
VolumetricHeatSource = Qvol
CoeffOfThermalExpansion = β
YoungModulus = E
PoissonRation = ν }
Density Real (Constant) Density of tool material
SpecificHeat Real (Constant/Function of Temp.) Function can be a TABLE1 or EXPRESSION
XConductivity Real (Constant/Function of Temp.) Function can be a TABLE1 or EXPRESSION
ZConductivity Real (Constant/Function of Temp.) Function can be a TABLE1 or Expression
VolumetricHeatSource Real (Constant) Value per unit volume.
CoeffOfThermalExpansion Real(Constant) Coefficient of thermal expansion.
YoungModulus Real (Constant/Function of Temp.) Young's modulus of tool material
PoissonRatio Real(Constant) Poisson ratio of tool material