Engine Keyword Define time output frequency and parts to be written to the state file.



Tstart Tfreq

part_ID1 ... part_IDN


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Keyword3 Part selection method.
= 0 or blank
Define parts to be output to the state file using part_IDn
All nodes in the model will be output to the state file.
Tstart Start time
Tfreq Time frequency
part_ID1 ...


If Keyword3 is blank, required list of parts whose state output is written to the state file.


  1. Writes state files (.sta) at a time frequency equal to Tfreq, the first file being written at time Tstart. The state file name is Runname_nnn#.sta, where Runname is the Run Name (see /RUN) and nnn# is the file number (four digits) from 0001 to 9999.

    A state file gets a format which makes it possible to include it into a _0000.rad file for Radioss Starter.

  2. The nodes IDs and actual coordinates of the corresponding nodes are written in each state file into a /NODE block.

    The element IDs and connectivities of the elements are written in each state file using the elements definition block such as, /SHELL, /BRICK, /BEAM, and so on.

    The state output fields (stresses, strains, ...) asked for output into the state files are written only for the elements belonging to those parts ID requested or if Keyword3=ALL, then all parts.

  3. It is recommended to use /STATE/SHELL/STRESS/FULL, /STATE/SHELL/AUX/FULL and /STATE/SHELL/STRAIN/FULL for being able to completely restore the state of shells elements and /STATE/BRICK/AUX/FULL, /STATE/BRICK/STRAIN/FULL, /STATE/BRICK/STRES/FULL to restore the state of solid elements.
  4. In case of adaptive meshing, a /STATE/ADMESH block is written, which includes the description of the mesh data structure. This block is needed for running another stage.
  5. Blocks /INISHE, /INISH3, /INIBRI, /INIBEAM, and so on can be written in a separate file using /STATE/STR_FILE.