Engine Subroutine USERWI

This subroutine calculates the internal forces and moments versus the velocity, old forces and moments, and specified variables and parameters.


The argument list of USERWI and its individual arguments and descriptions are:
    2   LENWA  ,IUVAR  ,ITAB   ,
    3   TT     ,DT1    ,DT2    ,USREINT,EXWORK ,
    4   UVAR   ,D      ,X       ,V      ,VR     ,MASS   ,
    5   INER   ,STIFN  ,STIFR  ,A      ,AR     ,WA     )


Argument Format Description
IIN Integer read only scalar Input file unit (Engine file).
IOUT Integer read only scalar Output file unit (output file).
NUVAR Integer read only scalar Size of user float array.
NUVARI Integer read only scalar Size of user integer array.
NUMNOD Integer read only scalar Number of nodes.
NCYCLE Integer read only scalar Current cycle number.
IUVAR(NUVARI) Integer read write array An array of size NUVARI. This array contains user data and variables and is saved on restart file.
ITAB(NUMNOD) Integer read only array An array of size NUMNOD. This array defines the node ID versus Radioss internal node number.
TT Float read only scalar Current time.
DT1 Float read only scalar Current time step.
DT2 Float write only scalar User stability time step. With element time step formulation, DT2 has to be computed at each cycle.
USREINT Float read write scalar User window internal energy.
EXWORK Float read write scalar External work. Variable can be increased.
UVAR(NUVAR) Float read-write array An array of size NUVAR. This array contains user data and variables and is saved on restart file.
D(3,NUMNOD) Float read only array Nodal displacements.
X(3,NUMNOD) Float read only array Nodal coordinates.
V(3,NUMNOD) Float read only array Nodal initial velocities.
VR(3,NUMNOD) Float read only array Nodal mass.
INER(NUMNOD) Float read only array Nodal spherical inertia.
STIFEN(NUMNOD) Float read write array Nodal stiffness for nodal time step formulation. The added user stiffness has to be added to STIFEN.
STIFR(NUMNOD) Float read write array Nodal rotational stiffness for nodal time step formulation. The added user stiffness has to be added to STIFR.
A(3,NUMNOD) Float read write array Nodal forces. User forces have to be added to A.
AR(3,NUMNOD) Float read write array Nodal moments. User moments have to be added to AR.