This manual presents solved verification models including NAFEMS problems.
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OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
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This manual provides detailed information regarding the features, functionality, and simulation methods available in OptiStruct.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding input entries, output entries, and parameters available in OptiStruct.
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
Test No. R0031/1 OptiStruct examines the bending stress at E, Interlaminar shear stress at D and the z-deflection at E for linear static analysis.
Test No: R0031/2 OptiStruct examines the hoop stress in the inner and outer cylinder at different radius for linear static analysis.
Test No: R0031/3 OptiStruct examines the z deflection at C, Normal XX stress at C, Normal YY stress at C and Shear stress at E for linear static analysis.
This problem discusses the composite shells two- or three-layer plate subjected to a sinusoidal distributed load, as described by Pagano (1969).
This problem analyzes the strength of laminated composite shells when subjected to a uniform longitudinal load per unit length.
This problem analyzes the strength of laminated composite shells when subjected to a more general combination of membrane and bending load.
This problem demonstrates when the loads applied in OS-V: 0532 are factored by 1.1491, a Hill failure index (FI) and a reserve factor (RF) of unity for ply 1 are obtained.
This problem analyzes the strength of laminated composite shells when subjected to a uniform constant temperature.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding OptiStruct.
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