Transfer Path Details

To view transfer path details, select Load tab > Path tab > Path Details....

Figure 1.

The Path Details dialog is divided into three parts:
  • The path control volume activation area, which allows you to activate paths in any control volume defined.
  • The path detail configuration table, which allows you to view path details in a summary table format.
  • The path detail management tabs, which allows you to define path details.
Click Load to load a previously saved TPA configuration file.
If any path detail information was entered through the dialog interface, click Save to save the information, which can be saved as a TPA configuration file.
Click OK to keep any change made, close the Path Details dialog, and return to the Load > Path sub-tab.
Click Cancel to discard any change made since the path detail configuration was last saved, close the Path Details dialog, and return to the Load > Path sub-tab.


Input point description
Used to describe the physical point, typically an attachment or connection point, associated to some transfer paths. It is divided into four levels, and these levels are used to aggregate contributions from all points sharing similar descriptions:
L1: subsystem
Enter a name for the subsystem the point belongs to, for example, Frt Susp.
L2: component
Enter a name for the component the point belongs to, for example Strut Cntr Mnt.
L3: point
Enter a name for the point, for example, LHS.
L4: dofs
Select DoFs at the point that paths are defined for.
Point ID
Enter the grid ID of the point.
Point name
Enter the name of the point.
Point LCS
Enter the analysis coordinate system, if any, defined at the point.
Path label
Label used to identify paths defined at the point.
Reverse input direction
Specify the reversed direction from the vehicle coordinate system.
Advanced selection
Specifies which control volume the point belongs to.
Assign control volume
Select a control volume and assign the point to it.
Control volumes can be created, renamed and deleted using options from the Assign control volume drop-down menu. Upon selecting one of the options, a dialog is displayed to assist you in completing the task.


Path label
Label used to identify the path for which details are specified on this tab.
TF file path
Select a TF file to load, if needed.
Subcase ID
Select a subcase to be used for this path.
Subcase label
Subcase label corresponding to the Subcase ID above.
Advanced selection
Options to view or modify the TF.
TF type
Select a TF type from the list of available types.
Response ID
Select a TF response ID from the list of available IDs.
Select a TF component that a TPA can be performed for.
Use modified TF
There are two ways to modify the TF for a response contribution study:
  • Scale TF – Scales the TF value.
  • Use target value – Uses a target value.
Other options include:
By value
Enter a specific value in either the dB or factor form.
Frequency range
Enter a range that the modification is applied to.
Apply to
Specify paths that the modification is applied to. Options include Selected Path, Paths in Subsystem, and All Paths.


Path label
Label used to identify the path for which the details are specified on this tab.
Force file path
Select a force file to load, if needed.
Force type
Select the type of available force to be used.
Grid ID
Select the ID of the grid at which the force has been recovered.
Element ID
Select the ID of the element whose force is to be used.
Select the component of force to be used.
Specify the local coordinate system in which the force is output.
Reverse force direction
Reverses the force direction in the local coordinate system specified above.
Advanced selection
Options to view or modify the force.
Subcase ID
Select a subcase to view or modify force.
Subcase label
Subcase label corresponding to the Subcase ID above.
Use modified force
There are two ways to modify the force for the response contribution study:
  • Scale force – Scales the force value.
  • Use target value – Uses a target value.
Other options include:
  • By value – Enter a specific value in either the dB or factor form.
  • Frequency range – Enter the range in which the modification is applied.
  • Apply to – Specify paths for which the modification is applied.


Path label
Label used to identify the path for which the details are specified on this tab.
Frequency table
List of frequencies where results are available or to be calculated.
Advanced Selections
Specifies the frequency-based or RPM-based forces. By default, the option is set to frequency. If RPM is selected, then orders can also be assigned.
Global TPA frequency selection
Frequencies at which TPA is performed, and applies to all TPA paths.
By default, force frequencies are used for TPA frequencies since TPA is simply another way to execute the loadcase run captured by the force file.
Frequencies outside of the combined TF and force range cannot be assigned to the TPA frequency set. No extrapolation on any data set is supported.
Global interpolation
Select interpolation methods to be applied to TF, force, or TPA.
By default, TPA interpolation is used if TF information is not available for the TPA frequency set (defaulted to the force frequency set).


Path label
Label used to identify the path for which details are specified on this tab.
Mobility type
Select the type of mobility to be displayed. Options include: point mobility (V/F), point inertance (A/F), or point receptance (D/F).
Add connector mobility to
Select the point to add a connector mobility to in a mobility mismatch plot.
Input/Connected PM file path
Select a PM file to load, if needed.
Subcase ID
Select a subcase to view.
Subcase label corresponding to the Subcase ID above.
Point ID
Select the ID of the grid where the PM is calculated.
Select the component of the PM to be displayed.