ERP - Load

Load an H3D or PCH results file and plot a response for the Equivalent Radiated Power, Sound Power, Sound Pressure, and Modal Participation for ERP result types.

Plot a Response for ERP

  1. From the Radiated Sound ERP Load tab > File Selection > Result, load the result file to view and load the model.
  2. Under Result selection, select an option from the Subcase drop-down menu.
  3. From the Result type drop-down menu, select one of the following:
    • Equivalent Radiated Power
    • Sound Power
    • Sound Pressure
    • Modal Participation for ERP
  4. If you select Equivalent Radiated Power:
    1. From the Result component drop-down menu, select a panel.
    2. Click Load Response to plot the response:
      • Linear/dB (Magnitude)
      • Linear/Octaves (Frequency)
      The utility automatically switches to the Display tab.
  5. If you select Sound Power for the result type:
    1. For Result set, select Source Side or Receiver Side.
    2. Click Load Response to plot the response.
      The utility automatically switches to the Display tab.
  6. If you select Sound Pressure for the result type:
    1. For Result set, select Sound Pressure or Sound Power from Pressure.
    2. For Receiving Panels, select a set that corresponds to particular source nodes. This can be used for panel participation.
    3. For Result component, select the microphone location:
      • Select a node from list.
      • Select the microphone location from model.
    4. Click Load Response to plot the response.
      The utility automatically switches to the Display tab.
    Figure 1.