Run Matrix

Load your own design matrix.

The run matrix is read by HyperStudy and used like any other design. Spaces, tabs, or commas can delimit the individual elements of the matrix. The rows define the different runs and the columns define the input variable values.
Table 1. Example: Run Matrix
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
4.1 4.3 4.5 4.6
6.7 8.1 10.0 11.0
17.2 1.0 1.0 3.0
.02 0.4 0.5 1.7
3.4 2.1 7.3 9.1

Usability Characteristics

  • Create your own design based on individual requirements.
  • The matrix does not have to fit any DOE type requirements. You can use it to automate a parameter study.
  • The run matrix uses exact values of the variable. This is in contrast to the user defined DOE, which contains integers to represent the corresponding level of the variable.
  • It is not necessary to utilize all designs in a study. Designs that are not desired can be turned off from the Write/Execute runs panel.
  • Imported values are mapped to the independent variables.
  • Any data in the inclusion matrix is combined with the run data for post-processing. Any run matrix point which is already part of the inclusion data will not be rerun.


In the Specifications step, Settings tab, change method settings.
Parameter Default Range Description
Matrix File File that has the dataset for your own design of matrix.
Use Inclusion Matrix Off Off or On Concatenation without duplication between the inclusion and the generated run matrix.