Create Input Variable Constraints

Define an inequality constraint condition that is a function of only the input variables.

Input variable constraints can be evaluated when performing any solver execution, therefore they can be treated in a special way to ensure that no evaluations are generated that violate the condition.

For example, you can fill a space that ensures that no design violates the condition, or an optimizer can avoid generating evaluation runs that would be known to generate a solver failure.

Input variable constraints should primarily be used to preemptively avoid a solver failure. If the solver can run, the optimizer will frequently perform better using normal optimization constraints.

  1. In the Define Input Variables step, click the Constraints tab.
  2. Click Add Constraint.
    A new constraint is created and added to the list of constraints.
  3. In the Label field, enter a name for the constraint.
  4. In the Left Expression and Right Expression fields, specify expressions to compare in the following ways:
    • Manually enter an expression.
    • Click to create an expression using the Expression Builder dialog.
  5. In the Comparison field, select a comparison type.
    • >= Greater than or equal to
    • <= Less than or equal to
Figure 1.