Evaluate the Model

Use the Run Analysis tool to set up and launch the evaluation.

  1. From the Evaluate tool group, click the Run Analysis tool.
    Figure 1.

    The Evaluate dialog opens.
    Figure 2.
  2. Optional: Change the name of the run.
  3. Review the selected parts, hotspot name and loadcase.
  4. Click Run.
    The Run Status dialog opens.
    The status bar highlights the run progress.
    Figure 3.
The following result files are saved to C:\Documents\Fatigue\ CrackGrowthRunHistory by default, or the home directory defined in the preferences:
Table 1.
File Type Description
*.hlf HyperLife Session File

Details related to the fatigue setup are stored in this file. It's automatically written to the working directory upon completion of a fatigue evaluation.

  • Session file can be reloaded to:
    • Retrieve the setup
    • Rerun the retrieved setup
    • Review the calculated results
*.log HyperLife CG log file.

Highlights the run status and error log.

n_<node id>_HotSpot1.csv Crack growth results in CSV,
n_<node ID>_HotSpot1_Event<ID>_Fatload<ID>.txt Stress Distribution of the subcase channel pair within an event for the evaluated hotspot.