Edit and Delete Parameters Using the Legend

Use the legends to visualize, edit, and delete instances of model setup parameters.

Legends group model setup parameters, such as domains, boundary conditions, mesh controls, surface groups, etc., and display instances in a list. They are intended to help you visualize the conditions applied to the model.

When a tool is active on the ribbon, the corresponding legend, if supported, displays in the in the top-left of the modeling window.
Figure 1.

Table 1.
To do this Do this
Edit Right-click on an instance and select Edit.
The corresponding ribbon tool is activated.
Note: Unassigned or default instances can not be edited.
  • Double-click on the name
  • Right-click on an instance and select Rename.
Control the display state Right-click on an instance and select Show, Hide, or Isolate.
Change the display color Click the color patch to the left of the instance and select an option from the palette.
Tip: Click in the color palette to assign and save custom colors.
Delete Right-click on an instance and select Delete.
Sort Right-click on the legend name and select Sort > Default or Alphabetically.
Purge empty instances Right-click on the legend name and select Purge Empty.