Model Build

New Features

ID Manager
The ID Manager can now be opened by selecting the ID Manager tool from the Assembly ribbon.
Two new csv export formats are supported. As before, you can either write out only information where ID rules are defined, but additionally, export the includes without ID rules, or write all entities as shown in the ID Manager to the csv.
In Reserve IDs, IDs can now be reserved using a comma separated list in addition to the already supported space separated list.
Min/Max ID rule assignment now considers the number of entities in the include to set the range rather than incrementing by one. If an include has 100 elements and you set the min ID rules as one, previously max would be set to two, now it will be set to 100.
Part name can now be customized on import using Part Name under PDM Attributes in the Geometry Import Options dialog.
Instance sync can now be performed on multiple parts at a time.
There are four new options available to decide which parts will be synced using instance sync.
For Part Controls, there are new options in Midmesh to set property creation to user defined thickness intervals rather than always using the automatic method.
Midsurface control now has an additional option to set the number of decimals for thickness assignment rather than always defaulting to two.
Custom control has been added which can be used to specify a script alongside the param and criteria files which will be run during the BatchMesh process. The same pre-geom, pre-mesh, and post-mesh options that BatchMesher supports are provided. You will need to create up to three procedures for the three places to add in automation. Remember to save the file at the end of the post-mesh procedure.
Thin solid control now allows for the number of layers to be determined based on mesh size rather than explicitly provided. When set to this mode, a minimum number of layers can be additionally provided.


ID Manager
Renumber has been moved to the top of the right-click context menu for ease of access.
Locking and reserve have been simplified to single options, Lock IDs and Reserve IDs respectively.
The limit on the length of the list of IDs accepted for reserving has been removed.
Character support has been extended with non-alphabetic characters now allowed in Part's unique ID and representation name.

Resolved Issues

  • Part entity ownership logic has been corrected. It was previously possible to have entities owned by a part by creating the entity when a part was current. This included any entity which was seemingly unrelated to that particular part. Following this, you would have no way of knowing or interrogating that the part had this content except when the part was deleted or unload and those entities were also deleted without warning. Parts now block these entities from accidentally being created in current part.
  • Midmesh control minimum element size now defaults to 4x smaller than target element size rather than the previous 10x smaller. This should give better out of the box results and match the interactive Midmesh context results.
  • The Similarity (%), Tolerance, and Value options are now correctly greyed out depending on which Match method is selected.