
New Features

Common Entity Editor
A common Entity Editor displays entity data for selections in all browsers and the modeling window, enabling you to efficiently review and modify all entities within a model quickly. The header of the Entity Editor denotes the type of entity selected.
Figure 1.

The Entity Editor is docked in the lower left docking area, but you can move it to any available docking area within the application, or float it on the primary or secondary screen.
Access the Entity Editor from the View menu, use the shortcut Shift+E, or double-click on an entity in the browser or in the modeling window.
  • In the modeling window, the right-mouse button context menu Edit option is only available when the Entity Editor is off. Since you can select an entity and edit its data in the Entity Editor, the Edit context menu option is removed when the Entity Editor is on.
  • Double-clicking on an entity in the modeling window now:
    • Opens the Entity Editor and respective browser if both are not open.
    • Opens the respective browser if the Entity Editor is open.
    • Enters the context tool if it is supported for editing for the selected entity.
  • The Show in Browser context menu option has been added to the modeling window for all entities.
    • For named entities, it invokes the respective browser and highlights the selected entity in the entity list.
    • For unnamed entities, it invokes the respective browser and pushes the selection of the selector (when the overall entity count is above the threshold) for listing in the browser.
  • The Edit context menu option in the Entity Editor now expands the embedded Entity Editor instead of invoking a floating Entity Editor.


Categorizing Elements in the Model Browser
Introduced a more efficient way to categorize elements in the Model Browser, facilitating a swift review based on dimensions and configuration. The categories now match the tools in the ribbons.
Figure 2.

To maintain consistency, similar categorization enhancements have been extended to the Includes and Subsystem Browsers.
Empty Includes
Empty includes can now be easily identified using the Validate ribbon > Find Empty tool. You can efficiently locate and clean up includes that do not contain any data.
Empty Parts
Empty parts can now be easily identified using the Validate ribbon > Find Empty tool. You can efficiently locate and clean up parts that do not contain any data.
Solver Keyword as Column
The Solver Keyword can now be added as an attribute column in all applicable entity views.

Known Issues

  • The Entity Editor is not cleared when the entity is removed from the filtered browser list.
  • The keyword list for the Create menu is removed from entity views upon loading a new model.

Resolved Issues

  • Browser display used to grayed out upon using the Assembly Hierarchy option.
  • Deleting Part Sets was deleting contents without a prompt.
  • Creating Parts was not entering Rename mode.
  • Arrayed metadata was not shown in the Entity Editor until another type of metadata was added.