Specifies parameters to enable an external code or user-defined function to collect data from AcuSolve.
AcuSolve Command
EXTERNAL_OUTPUT("name") {parameters...}
User-given name.
- type (enumerated) [=socket]
- Type of the communication.
- socket
- Socket communication. Requires socket_host, socket_port and launch.
- user
- User-defined function is called periodically, which may itself communicate with an external code. Requires user_function.
- output_frequency or out_freq (integer) >=0 [=0]
- Time step frequency at which to allow an external code or user-defined function to collect data from AcuSolve. If zero, this option is ignored.
- output_time_interval or out_intv (real) >=0 [=0]
- Time frequency at which to allow an external code or user-defined function to collect data from AcuSolve. If zero, this option is ignored.
- socket_host or host (string) [no default]
- User-given name of the host that runs the external code. Used with socket type.
- socket_port or port (integer) >0 [=20000]
- Socket port for communication with the external code. Used with socket type.
- user_function or user (string) [no default]
- Name of the user-defined function. Used with user type.
- user_values (array) [={}]
- Array of values to be passed to the user-defined function. Used with user type.
- user_strings (list) [={}]
- Array of strings to be passed to the user-defined function. Used with user type.
- launch (boolean) [=off]
- Flag specifying whether or not AcuSolve should launch the external code. Used with socket type.
- launch_command (string) [no default]
- Command to launch the external code. Used with launch=on and socket type.
This command specifies the parameters to enable an external code or user-defined function to extract data from a running AcuSolve instance. For an external code this extraction is done via the socket type and the External Code Output (ECO) library. The ECO library is documented in the file doc/external_output.txt, which can be found in the AcuSolve distribution. The ECO functions are listed below. Once this library is linked to an external code, the external code is able to collect data from AcuSolve, process it, and store it in any desirable form.
type = socket
output_frequency = 1
output_time_interval = 0
socket_host = "hostname"
socket_port = 20000
launch = off
By default both output frequencies are zero, which means that this output mechanism is turned off. If either is non-zero, then socket_host gives the name of the machine where the external code will run and socket_port is the port that the external code will be listening to. Run times may not coincide with output_time_interval. In this case, at every time step which passes through a multiple of output_time_interval, output to the external code is enabled.
launch = on
launch_command = "extOut 20000"
type = user
output_frequency = 1
user_function = "usrParaView"
user_values = { 1., 2., 3. }
user_strings = { "visualizer" }
/* Include necessary header files */
#include "acusim.h"
#include "eco.h"
#include "ver.h"
/* Main function */
int main( int, char** ) ;
main( int argc,
char* argv[] )
char* funcName = "main" ; /* function name */
EcoHd ecoHd ; /* an ECO handle */
Integer nNodes ; /* No. nodes */
Integer* usrIds ; /* user ids */
Integer* elemIds ; /* user ids */
Integer* cnn ; /* cnns */
Real* crd ; /* coordinates */
Real* vec ; /* output vector */
Integer port ; /* port number */
Integer verbose ; /* verbose level */
Integer waitTime ; /* wait time */
Integer i ; /* temporary integer */
Integer iElm ; /* temporary integer */
Integer iVar ; /* temporary integer */
Integer tsId ; /* time step Id */
Real time ; /* time level */
Real timeInc ; /* time increment */
Integer nElms ; /* No. element sets */
Integer nElems ; /* No. elements */
Integer nElemNodes ; /* No. nodes per element */
Integer nVars ; /* No. variables */
Integer nDims ; /* Variable dimension */
Integer iTmp ; /* temporay integer */
Integer medium ; /* medium type */
char buff[SYS_BUFF_SIZE] ; /* a temporary buffer */
IopHd iopHd ; /* output handle */
/* Set the program name and version */
sysSetProgName( argv[0] ) ;
sysSetVersion( VER_VERSION ) ;
sysSetMessFile( "ECO.txt" ) ;
sysLineBuffMess( ) ;
/* Get the options */
if ( argc != 2 ) {
sysMess( "Usage: %s port", argv[0] ) ;
sysExit( 1 ) ;
/* Initialize ECO */
sscanf( argv[1], "%i", &port ) ;
waitTime = 3600 ;
verbose = 1 ;
nNodes = 60 ;
usrIds = memNew( Integer, nNodes ) ;
crd = memNew( Real, 3*nNodes ) ;
iopReadFileArrays( "channel.crd", nNodes, 2,
usrIds, IOP_ARRAY_INT, 1,
crd, IOP_ARRAY_REAL, 3, ) ;
ecoHd = ecoNew( "oriole", port, waitTime,
usrIds, nNodes, verbose ) ;
/* Process */
ecoGetUsrIds( ecoHd, usrIds ) ;
ecoGetCrd( ecoHd, crd ) ;
/* Time related output */
tsId = ecoGetTimeStep( ecoHd ) ;
time = ecoGetTime( ecoHd ) ;
timeInc = ecoGetTimeInc( ecoHd ) ;
/* Variables output */
nVars = ecoGetNOutVars( ecoHd ) ;
for ( iVar = 0 ; iVar < nVars ; iVar++ ) {
nDims = ecoGetOutVarDim( ecoHd, iVar ) ;
vec = memNew( Real, nDims*nNodes
ecoGetOutVarName( ecoHd, iVar, buff ) ;
sysMess("variable=%s", buff)
ecoGetOutValues( ecoHd, iVar, vec ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nNodes ; i++ ) {
sysMess("%s @ node %d=%lf", buff, i, vec[i] ) ;
/* Element output */
nElms = ecoGetNElms( ecoHd ) ;
nElems = 0 ;
for ( iElm = 0 ; iElm < nElms ; iElm++ ) {
iTmp = ecoGetNElems( ecoHd, iElm ) ;
nElems += iTmp ;
nElemNodes = ecoGetNElemNodes( ecoHd, iElm ) ;
medium = ecoGetElmMedium ( ecoHd, iElm ) ;
cnn = memNew( Integer, nElemNodes*nElems ) ;
for ( iElm = 0 ; iElm < nElms ; iElm++ ) {
ecoGetCnn( ecoHd, iElm, cnn ) ;
sprintf( buff, "eco_cnn.txt" ) ;
sysMess( "%26s = %s", "Writing cnn file", buff ) ;
iopHd = iopOpenFile( buff, IOP_WRITE | IOP_ASCII ) ;
iopWriteInts( iopHd, "cnn", nElemNodes, nElems,
cnn ) ;
ecoContinue( ecoHd ) ;
/* Cleanup */
ecoFree( ecoHd ) ;
free( usrIds ) ;
free( crd ) ;
free( vec ) ;
free( cnn ) ;
} /* end of main() */
# Import utilities
import acueco
import acudb
import numarray
# Call graphics utility
problem = "channel"
port = 20004
codeName = "test"
waitTime = 3600
verbose = 1
matchInputIds = False # use condensed node numbers
matchInputIds = True # match input node numbers
if not matchInputIds:
eco = acueco.Acueco( port, codeName, waitTime, None, verbose)
adb = acudb.Acudb( problem, 'ACUSIM.DIR', 0 )
adb.openRun( 0 )
usrIds = adb.get( 'usrIds' )
usrIds = numarray.array( usrIds )
eco = acueco.Acueco( port, codeName, waitTime, usrIds, verbose)
# Extract nodal data
nSds = eco.getNSds()
nNodes = eco.getNNodes()
usrIds = eco.getUsrIds()
# Extract element data
# Alternative: the elements may be obtained from acudb
nElms = eco.getNElms( )
cnns = []
for i in range(nElms):
cnn = eco.getCnn( i )
cnns.append ( cnn )
# Get the velocity index
nVars = eco.getNVars()
velId = -1
for i in
varName = eco.getVarName( i )
if varName == "velocity": velId = i
# Get the velocity field at each time step
while True:
step = eco.getTimeStep()
time = eco.getTime()
timeInc = eco.getTimeInc()
vel = eco.getOutValues( velId )
last = eco.getLastStepFlag()
print "Step =", step
print "Time =", time
print "TimeInc =", timeInc
print "Max Vel =", vel.max()
if last: break
- ecoNew
- Initialize external output.
- ecoGetNSds
- Return the number of subdomains in the problem.
- ecoGetNNodes
- Return the number of nodes in the problem.
- ecoGetUsrIds
- Get the user-prescribed nodal IDs of the problem.
- ecoGetCrd
- Get the coordinates of the domain.
- ecoGetNElms
- Get the number of element sets in the domain.
- ecoGetNElems
- Get the number of elements in the domain.
- ecoGetNElemNodes
- Get the number of nodes per element.
- ecoGetCnn
- Output the element connectivity table.
- ecoGetElmMedium
- Output the medium type (fluid, solid, or shell) of the element set.
- ecoGetNOutVars
- Output the number of variables in the problem.
- ecoGetOutVarName
- Output the name of variables in the problem.
- ecoGetOutVarDim
- Output the dimension of variables.
- ecoGetOutValues
- Get the values of variables in the domain.
- ecoGetTimeStep
- Get the time step ID during run time.
- ecoGetTime
- Get the current time level during simulation.
- ecoGetTimeInc
- Get the time-step increment.
- ecoGetLastStepFlag
- Obtain the flag for the last time-step.
- ecoContinue
- Get the command for the continuation of simulation.
- ecoStop
- Get the termination command for the run.
- ecoFree
- Deallocate all the arrays, close all file descriptors and sockets, disconnect from AcuSolve.