Memory space management

Access memory management options

Memory management options are available in supervisor options:

  • "User" mode

  • "Dynamic" mode

Numerical and character memory management modes

There are two modes to manage the numerical and character memories:
  • User (default mode) : static memory management

    If User is checked, then standard values for the numerical and character memories are assigned by default by Flux according to a certain number of criteria (module, computer characteristics, etc.)

    These default values evolve as versions and technological advances on the machines evolve.

    The user can of course modify them if required using the memory space table.

  • Dynamic : dynamic memory management

    If Dynamic is checked, then the numerical and character memories are dynamically managed by Flux during its execution.

    So in this mode, the user does not configure the numerical and character memories.

Note: Once this choice of memory management is made, it will be automatically applied to the four modules: Flux 2D, Flux Skew, Flux 3D and Flux PEEC.

The advantages and disadvantages of the two memory management modes are presented in the table below:

User Dynamic
Ease of use -

The user must specify the memory sizes (numerical and character) in the Flux Supervisor.

If the memory size reserved is insufficient to execute a command, he must close Flux, modify the memory value and then reopen Flux


The user does not need to specify the memory sizes (numerical and character) required for the proper functioning of Flux

During a command, the required memories are allocated dynamically.

The only limit is the performances of the machine.

Memory usage -

The allocated memory value is entirely reserved at the start-up of Flux and is kept for the entire duration of Flux execution, even if it is allocated excessively.


The memory used by the Flux software is the one required at time t for data storage and command execution.

It fluctuates over time depending on the status of the software (stored data and current commands).


The dynamic memory working process (with memory allocation/releasing) has a light impact on the performances.

Note: "Delaunay" mesher (not default mesher) is not available in dynamic memory.

GUI memory

For the moment, whatever the memory management mode chosen (User or Dynamic), the GUI memory is managed only statically, a default value is set according to the modules Flux 2D, Flux Skew, Flux 3D or Flux PEEC.

The user has of course the possibility to modify it if required using the memory space table.

System memory

System memory only appears if the user has chosen the User memory management mode.

The value of the system memory is automatically computed.
Note: The value of the system memory cannot be changed by the user.