Fixed Defects

Issues Short description of the source problem resolved in this version
Documentation FX-20299 In the HTML documentation, the link to the PDF Document "How To Adjust Mesh Locally?" was wrong. This link is now correct in Flux 2021.2.
Documentation FX-20203 The step by step PDF for the 2D Example case about Helmotz Coil was empty.

The PDF has been edited with the right contents and has been added in this version Flux 2021.2.

Environment FX-20076 The problem was a crash of Flux during the check physics in a specific project with dynamic memory.

It was a memory overwrite, the issue has been fixed in Flux 2021.2.

Physics FX-20511 The problem was the assignment of terminals done via the GUI. It was not corresponding to the result obtained. The terminals do not correspond to the right faces chosen during the assignment.

The order of terminals assignation was not respected for N terminal solid conductor.

The problem was a bad management of the electricalTerminal(ElectricTerminal[ALL]) command.

This command does not return the list in the origin order.

The problem has been fixed, the command electricalTerminal(ElectricTerminal[ALL]) has been deleted and replaced by the list of faces, terminal by terminal to ensure the right order.

Physics FX-14127 When trying to solve a Transient Magnetic project initialized by FTS file created in the Steady-State AC application, an error message appeared due to some errors in the management of solid conductor regions; thereby, solving the project was impossible.

This issue is now fixed and the Transient Magnetic project with FTS initialization can be solved.

Please note that these developments also solve the tickets FX-8036 and FX-19682.

Physics FX-19459 In 3D projects, if a face region was not assigned to any face, Flux was not able to run the solving process because of too tighten controls of the checkPhysics() on the automatic formulation assignments. These limitations have been removed and now, even with face regions not used by any face, the project can be solved successfully.
Postprocessing FX-21001 The issue occurred in the solid conductor volume regions with a T-Phi formulation in 3D transient magnetic application:

- the flux density was zero with a Jiles-Atherton or Preisach hysteresis model in these regions.

- the relative incremental permeability VMurIncrHyst was equal to 1 in these regions with a Jiles-Atherton hysteresis model in these regions.

Now the issue is corrected. There is no need to solve again the .FLU projects because the issue occurred only while post-processing.

Solving FX-12089 In Flux 2D projects with several mechanical sets (e.g., multi-slices representation of a skewed rotating machine) the components of the electric circuit were not correctly associated to the corresponding mechanical set and an error message was displayed to the user, thus preventing Flux to solve. The issue is now fixed: electric circuit components and mechanical sets are properly associated.

Please note that these developments also solve the tickets FX-4532 and FX-445.

Solving FX-19784 A contactor with a translation coupled load mechanical set with two springs in series has exhibited two issues which had been leading to wrong results in terms of linear position, speed, and acceleration functions of time. These two issues have been corrected:

1- The springs and mass are defined by the internal characteristics and the external characteristics with the type of load which is mass, friction coefficients and springs. The first spring is described by the internal characteristics with X1, the stretching/compression of the spring at time t=0s, and k1, the spring constant. The second spring is described by the external characteristics with X2, the stretching/compression of the spring at time t=0s, and k2, the spring constant. The total force is now K1(X-X1)+K2(X-X2) instead of (K1+K2).(X-X1-X2) which was not correct for the two springs in series.

2- When the springs and mass were defined by the internal characteristics with the type of load which is mass and resistive force with the following formula for the resistive force:


The results in terms of linear position, speed, and acceleration functions of time were wrong. They were different from the previous case (issue 1-) where the springs and mass are defined by the internal characteristics and the external characteristics with the type of load which is mass, friction coefficients and springs. After the corrections, both cases (case 1- and case 2-) give the same results.

These two issues were also existing with a coupled load mechanical set with a rotation movement.