Fixed Defects

Issues Short description of the source problem resolved in this version
Data Import/Export context FX-24069 In 2022.1 when a scenario was first partially solved and later fully solved by using Continue To Solve, then in post-processing, the "Computation of Iron Losses" was failing.

In the Advanced tab of the error message box the following message was displayed: PFE_R_DCO => Collection is not unique

This issue is now fixed in 2022.1.1.

Environment FX-24027 Fixed a memory overwrite bug that was occurring during a parametric solving with many steps.
Macros FX-24559 The package Macros_FluxMotor has been fixed for this Hot fix Flux 2022.1.1. Now these macros work on batch mode.
Physics FX-24077 For Flux projects with existing DATA_COLLECTION structures and a "Six degrees of freedom" mechanical set, the resolution comes out in error indicating that the "six degrees of freedom" type of mechanical sets is not implemented in a Fortran solving routine. Now, the source code has been modified accordingly to take into account this new type of mechanical set introduced in Flux 2022.1.
Postprocessing FX-23685 Joule losses computations on coil conductor regions without a defined model for losses (and thus, without an assigned material) yielded wrong results in Flux 2022.1. Depending on the strategy adopted by the user, sensors using the coil region as a computation support evaluated results that were either different from zero (in the case of a sensor performing the integration of the spatial quantity "dLossV") or NaN (in the case of a predefined sensor of type "Losses by Joule effect"). This issue has been corrected in Flux 2022.1.1: the results are now equal to zero with both approaches.
Solving FX-24356 In previous versions, some files were being loaded several times during the solving process leading to performance issues and sometimes to errors on Lustre file systems. This version preloads all necessary files in-memory for better performances and fewer I/O operations.
Solving FX-24291 The results obtained from a Linux HPC with the Lustre file system are different from the results obtained from a standalone computer. This problem was fixed with FX-24356 by preloading all necessary files into memory instead of loading them several times during the solving process.