Read the STR File
Read the .str file that contains the solution vector x of the system of linear equations Ax=y.
Export the .str file using one of the following workflows:
- Use the PS card in EDITFEKO.
- Saving the .str file in CADFEKO.
The .str file is saved as a binary file, but can be converted into
ASCII format by using the str2ascii utility. When using the
option, a special .str file format is created that
allows the re-import of the file into Feko. This gives you
the power to visualise, for instance, characteristic modes.
Use the syntax:
str2ascii <filename.str> -r > ascii.str
This results in a file ascii.str with an ASCII format of the .str file which Feko can read again. The file contains the complex basis function coefficients in real and imaginary format.
8.2676511990e-05 -5.9745463799e-05 1.2218137786e-04 -2.4529271790e-04 -2.7489665728e-05 1.6734208727e-04 9.3781476258e-05 -1.1630237673e-04 1.0987524472e-04 -1.8260254976e-04