Environment Settings Overview

The Feko environment is set up internally by means of Lua applications and internal functions

Each application is self-aware. It will detect and set up the environment based on its location. The default environment for the current installation will be loaded from a set of mandatory files. Any user-specific environment variables can then be added/changed in optional files loaded after the mandatory files. It allows for the user-specific environment variables to overwrite the global environment variables, rather than editing the file containing the global default environment variables

The Lua scripts are loaded in the following order:

  1. FEKO_HOME/FEKOenvironmentFromSetup.lua
    This mandatory file is created at installation time. It contains the global default settings for the current installation. It is not advised to edit this file, unless a different setting is required than specified during installation.
  2. FEKO_HOME/FEKOenvironment.lua
    This mandatory file is provided and managed by Feko to ensure correct functionality. This file may be updated by the update utility, so any changes to it may be lost.
  3. FEKO_USER_HOME/FEKOenvironment.lua
    This is an optional file. It must be created by the user if and when required.
  4. Windows:
    It must be created by the user if and when required. If it is not found, it will be silently ignored and operation continues.
    It must be created by the user if and when required. If it is not found, it will be silently ignored and operation continues.
    It must be created by the user if and when required. If it is not found, it will be silently ignored and operation continues.
    It must be created by the user if and when required. If it is not found, it will be silently ignored and operation continues.
    It must be created by the user if and when required. If it is not found, it will be silently ignored and operation continues.