AMDC Release Notes 2023.0

The release notes provide details about the new features and enhancements in AMDC 2023.0

New Materials

  • A total of over 2390 new materials have been added, including 2005 new plastics trade Products, 31 plastics generic products, and 356 electromagnetic materials.
  • New Material Properties

    New properties have been added to existing materials including global warming potential data (18803 plastics) and fatigue diagrams (69 plastics).

  • More CAE Ready Data

    CAE readiness of data in AMDC has been further improved with an additional 87 qualified grades for Inspire Mold & a new CAE export interface to FLUX supported for 356 materials.

AMDC Premium Access Features

  • Global Warming Potential

    Premium Access subscribers can not only to look up CO2 Footprint & Global Warming Potential for materials but also study the effects of adding different fibers & different processing steps such as drying, compounding & injection molding. Additionally, AMDC Private DB customers will be able to customize and use this tool with their own CO2 data.

  • Save to Drive

    User can now save CAE Cards directly in Altair Drive, thereby making CAE Cards accessible from anywhere. Once in Altair Drive, users can use material cards directly in any tool deployed in the Altair Cloud.

AMDC Authoring Features for Private Database

  • Material Data Versioning

    Material Data Versioning is now available for AMDC Private DB customers.

    Data administrators can now view complete version history, compare different versions & roll back to a previous version. This vastly enhances traceability of data in AMDC and allows users to track all changes made to the material data.

  • Data Subscription

    Private DB customers can now subscribe to material data hosted in AMDC by Altair. This powerful new feature allows customers to receive updated material data as when they’re available.

  • Copies and Clones

    Private DB customers can derive copied & cloned instances from already existing materials and append new data to it. This can be used for example to add multiple test conditions to a single material. While a copy allows users to edit all fields, a clone in contrast will allow adding new fields and values only. Further when parent materials are updated, cloned materials inherit updated data automatically.

  • Single Sign-Ons with External IDMs

    It is now possible for AMDC Private DB customers to use their company user credentials to login to the system. Once setup by Altair & customer’s IT experts, this not only improves user management for AMDC, but also makes it easier to onboard internal users.

  • PDF Export Enhancements

    For customized deployments Altair Admins can leverage a more flexible PDF Export Tool to manage and define enhanced layouts for headers, disclaimers, and images. PDFs can be password protected, now it is possible to activate/deactivate PDF functions such as print/modify/copy text/annotate & assemble enhancing the security of exported data.

  • Enhanced Customization Options

    The customization of AMDC has been enhanced further with modular web elements such as quick search, tags, display of tiles and tables and datasheets. This will provide AMDC Private DB customers a much bigger scope of customizing how to display their material data.