AMDC Release Notes 2022.1

The release notes provide details about the new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in AMDC 2022.1

Landing Page

Experience a new landing page after logging into AMDC from this release. This page enables you to choose the type of database to select and view.

Material selection option lists all materials in the database whereas the CAE option reduces the list to show only the materials that contains CAE ready data.

The Landing Page will be expanded in future releases, allowing for more flexibility and options for end users to tailor the way they want to look at the material data.

Generic Data

Sometimes material manufactures do not supply all the data needed for one or more CAE Applications. These missing parameters prevent the use of such materials in simulations. This issue is very common to all material databases.

AMDC 2022.1 solves this by providing information (both constants such as E, Nu and curves such as Stress-Strain, Viscosity, etc) by adding generic properties data from the same class of materials. This helps in two ways:
  • Expanding the use of same material for more simulation types
  • Increasing the total number of materials ready for simulation

Enhanced CAE Export Options:

  • You can now influence various parameters such as Reduction Factor, Stress Limit, Temperature for Stress Strain (if data is available) while exporting it as a CAE file.
  • You can encrypt the CAE file before downloading it. The encryption is available for Optistruct and Radioss Solvers only.

Enhanced Compare Options

Two new plot options are added to the materials comparison utility.
  • Polar Chart allows you to compare multiple properties and visualize the relationship between the data points.
  • Curve Overlay allows you to compare plot curves of the selected materials on a single axis.

Scatter Plot

You can study how two selected material properties are distributed in the database. The plot helps to derive useful inferences about the extent of correlation, if any, between the selected material properties.

AMDC Private Database (Authoring)

Material administrators can now directly edit/update material properties in the AMDC user interface. This improves the data maintenance capability in AMDC and is a key component in starting the discussion with many of the current M-base customers including CAMPUS to move them on AMDC solution. The material engineering team is going to start these migration discussions in the coming months.